PotatoEurope 2022: SAFE & EASY
We are making in-person meetings possible again and look forward to welcoming you at "Rittergut Bockerode" near Hanover from 7 - 8 September 2022. As the organizer, we are making every effort to make your visit to the trade fair grounds as easy and safe as possible.
‘PotatoEurope – SAFE & EASY' offers you all of the relevant information that you need for planning in advance and for your visit to the trade fair.
This information corresponds to the current status of the Lower Saxony coronavirus regulations. The information will be checked regularly and adapted as required.

Ticket sale / registriation
- Book your ticket online in advance
- Register online

Entrance policy
- Guidance system at the entrances
- Mouth and nose cover recommended in the entrances

On site
- Hygiene services
- Extensive grounds and wide visitor paths
- open stands
- regular air exchange in closed rooms
- hand hygiene stations
- Increased cleaning intervals
- A mouth and nose cover is recommended in closed rooms
- Safety distance of 1.5 meters possible due to generous planning
- Contact tracking through Corona-Warn app recommended
Planning your journey, tickets, contact tracking, trade fair services and hygiene regulations
All important information can be found here in detail:
All general information for planning your journey can be found here.
Entry regulations when travelling from abroad
- Federal Foreign Office information about entry, testing and quarantine regulations in Germany:
https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/service/visa-und-aufenthalt/_Aktuell - Ordinance on Coronavirus Entry Regulations / Federal Ministry of Health:
Regulations for re-entering your country of origin
Please obtain information from the authorities in your country of origin in good time concerning the modalities applicable on re-entering the country.
- We highly recommend buy Tickets online in advance. Payment is possible by credit card or PayPal.
- The tickets are available on the go and enable contactless access.
- Prior, personal registration is obligatory.
- We recommend the installation and use of the Corona-Warn App during your stay on the grounds of PotatoEurope 2022.
Traffic routes and recreation areas
The exhibition ground is very extensive, covering an area of 45 hectares, and has an excellent infrastructure with wide visitor routes, ensuring the highest standards of hygiene.
Disinfection and cleaning
Cleaning intervals are increased for event operations; in addition, entrance and exit areas, toilets, etc. are disinfected several times a day. Disinfection dispensers can be found in the entrance areas, toilet facilities, at service points and in the forums.
Guidancesystem and signposting
Signs will be used regularly to point out the protective measures at the trade fair grounds
Partition walls
Transparent partition walls made of glass and plastic will be installed on the exhibition grounds at all counters and counters where contact between employees and service providers takes place (e.g. in the press center, at checkrooms, info points, in service offices).
Food and beverages are offered primarily in the outdoor area for takeaway.
Medical care
If you feel unwell and show symptoms of COVID-19, please contact the medical center immediately (first) by telephone:
Phone: +49-69-2 47 88 - 229.
The first-aid station is located at the exhibition management in the center of the site.
In urgent cases, dial the familiar emergency number directly: 112.
Keeping your distance
When entering and leaving the event, as well as during the entire event period, all persons on the exhibition grounds are required to maintain a minimum distance of 1.50 m from each other wherever possible. We support compliance with the safety distance with wider aisles and sufficient space in the entrance areas. Seating in forums is also adapted to the safety distance regulation.
Mouth-to-nose covering
On the exhibition grounds, we recommend wearing mouth-to-nose protection in all tents and buildings. Likewise, in all places where the minimum distance cannot be maintained.
Hand washing
We strongly recommend frequent and thorough hand washing. In addition, please be sure to follow the other current hygiene rules issued by the Federal Center for Health Education (greeting without shaking hands, coughing/sneezing into the crook of the arm, regular hand washing, avoiding touching the face).
General health
Only start your visit to the DLG Field Days if you are in good health. If you feel unwell and show symptoms of COVID-19, please contact the first aid station immediately (first) by telephone: Phone: +49-69-2 47 88 - 229.
The first-aid station is located at the exhibition management in the center of the site.
In urgent cases, dial the familiar emergency number directly: 112.
- Information of the German Federal Foreign Office on entry restrictions, testing and quarantine regulations in Germany
- Current information for travellers from the Federal Ministry of Health
- Here you find current general information of the AUMA, the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry, on entry requirements for trade fair participants from abroad